Desire to Help

Chuť pomáhat lidem z.s.


non-profit organisation


Id. No.: 04254066
Account No.: 2300849910/2010

Pavlovská 506/20, Kohoutovice, 623 00 Brno
Czech Republic

Contact us

Do you have any questions about how Desire to Help works? Write to us.

We will get it sorted out in no time.

Michal „Kody“ Kislicki
Director and coordinator of aid projects

Desire to Help

(Chuť pomáhat lidem z.s.)


Czech non-profit organisation


Id. No.: 04254066
Account No.: 2300849910/2010

Pavlovská 506/20, Kohoutovice, 623 00 Brno

Czech Republic

Do you have any questions about how Desire to Help works?

Write to us.
We will get it sorted out in no time.

Michal „Kody“ Kislicki
Director and coordinator of aid projects

Contact us